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In review or in preparation

J. O. Dabiri, N. Mohebbi, and M.K. Fu (submitted), Persistent Laminar Flow at Reynolds Numbers Exceeding 100,000.


N. Mohebbi, J., Hwang, M. K. Fu, J. O. Dabiri (accepted). Measurements and modeling of induced flow in collective vertical migration. 

R. Jimenez, D. Yurk, S. Dell, A. C. Rutledge, M. K. Fu, W. P. Dempsey, Y. Abu-Mostafa, A. Rajagopal, A. Brinley Rajagopal, Resonance sonomanometry for noninvasive, continuous monitoring of blood pressurePNAS Nexus, Volume 3, Issue 7, July 2024, pgae252, (medRxiv link)


J. O. Dabiri, M. F. Howland, M. K. Fu, R. H. Goldshmid, Visual anemometry: physics-informed inference of wind for renewable energy, urban sustainability, and environmental science Nature Reviews Physics.

A.Rouhi, M. K. Fu, D. Chandran, A. Zampiron, A. J. Smits, and I. Marusic, Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise wall forcing. Part 1: Large-eddy simulation, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol 968, A6.

D. Chandran, A. Zampiron, A.Rouhi, M. K. Fu,  D. Wine, B. Holloway, A. J. Smits, and I. Marusic, Turbulent drag reduction by spanwise wall forcing. Part 2: High-Reynolds-number experiments, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol 968, A7.

M. K. Fu & J. O. Dabiri, Magnetic signature of vertically migrating aggregations in the ocean, Geophysical Review Letters, 50, e2022GL101441. 

K. Huang, M.K. Fu, C. P. Byers, A. Bragg, and G. Katul, Logarithmic scaling of higher-order temperature moments in the atmospheric surface layer, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 102 (109162). 


J. Yang, Y. Yin, A. K. Landauer, S. Buyuktozturk, J. Zhang, L. Summey, A. McGhee, M. K. Fu, J. O. Dabiri, and C. Franck, SerialTrack: ScalE and Rotation Invariant Augmented Lagrangian Particle Tracking, SoftwareX, vol 19,
101204, 2022.

M. Hultmark, Y. Fan, C. Byers, and M. K. Fu, System and Method for monitoring injection site pressure, US Patent 11,351,313 B2

K. Y. Huang, M. K. Fu, C. P. Byers, and G. G. Katul,  Logarithmic scaling of higher-order temperature moments in the atmospheric surface layer, International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP12), Osaka, Japan, 2022.


Y. Fan, M. Hultmark, M. K. Fu, C. Byers, "Multi-component fast-response velocity sensor", US Patent 11,187,715 B2

I. Marusic, D. Chandran, A. Rouhi, M. K. Fu, D. Wine, B. Holloway, D. Chung, and A. J.  Smits, An energy-efficient pathway to turbulent drag reduction, Nat Commun 12, 5805 (2021).

M. Hultmark, C. Byers, M. K. Fu, Y. Fan, "Elastic filament velocity sensor", US Continuation Patent 11,054,290 B2

M.K. Fu, I. A. Houghton, J. O. Dabiri, A single-camera, 3D scanning velocimetry system for quantifying active particle aggregations, Exp Fluids 62: 168, 2021.

C. P. Byers, M. Hultmark, I. Marusic, and M. K. Fu, Examining the inertial subrange with nanoscale crosswire measurements of centerline pipe flow at high Reynolds number, J. Fluid Mech., vol 919, A21, 2021.

Y. Huang, C.E. Brunner, M. K. Fu, K. Kokmanian, T. Morrison, A. O. Perelet, M. Calaf, E. Pardyjak, and M. Hultmark, Investigation of the atmospheric surface layer using novel high-resolution sensors, Exp. Fluids 62: 76, 2021.


J. Sundin, K. A. Kokmanian, M. K. Fu, S. Bagheri, and M. Hultmark, "A Soft Material Flow Sensor for Micro Air Vehicles," Soft Robot., p. soro.2019.0130, Apr. 2020

M. Hultmark, C. Byers, M. K. Fu, Y. Fan, "Elastic filament velocity sensor", US Patent 10,539,443 B2

M. Hultmark, C. Byers, M. K. Fu, Y. Fan, "Elastic filament velocity sensor", Chinese Patent 108,601,558 B


K. Kokmanian, S. Scharnowski, M. Bross, S. Duvvuri, M. K. Fu, C. J. Kahler, M. Hultmark, "Development of nanoscale hot-wire probes for supersonic flow applications," Exp. Fluids, 60: 150, 2019. 

A. G. Novoselov, C. B. Reuter, O. R. Yehia, S. H. Won, M. K. Fu, K. Kokmanian, M. Hultmark, Y. Ju, M. E. Mueller, “Turbulent nonpremixed cool flames: Experimental measurements, Direct Numerical Simulation, and manifold-based combustion modeling,” Combust. Flame, vol. 209, pp. 144–154, Nov. 2019.

I. Arenas, E. García, M. K. Fu, P. Orlandi, M. Hultmark, and S. Leonardi, “Comparison between super-hydrophobic, liquid infused and rough surfaces: a direct numerical simulation study,” J. Fluid Mech., vol. 869, pp. 500–525, 2019.

M. K. Fu, Y. Fan, and  M. Hultmark, “Design and validation of a nanoscale cross-wire probe (X-NSTAP),” Exp. Fluids, vol. 60: 99, 2019.

M. K. Fu, T.-H. Chen, C. B. Arnold, and M. Hultmark, “Experimental investigations of liquid-infused surface robustness under turbulent flow,” Exp. Fluids, vol. 60: 100, 2019.


M. Samie, I. Marusic, N.Hutchins, M. K. Fu, Y. Fan, M. Hultmark, A. J. Smits, “Fully resolved measurements of turbulent boundary layer flows up to Reτ = 20,000,” J. Fluid Mech, vol. 851, pp. 391–415, 2018.

C. P. Byers, M. K. Fu, Y. Fan, and M. Hultmark, “Measurements of two components of velocity using a single sensing element,” Meas. Sci. Technol., vol. 29, no. 2, 2018.


M. K. Fu, Y. Fan, C. P. Byers, T.-H. Chen, C. B. Arnold, and M. Hultmark, “Elastic filament velocimetry (EFV),” Meas. Sci. Technol., vol. 28, no. 2, p. 025301, Feb. 2017.

H. Ling, J. Katz, M. K. Fu, and M. Hultmark, “Effect of Reynolds number and saturation level on gas diffusion in and out of a superhydrophobic surface,” Phys. Rev. Fluids, vol. 2, no. 12, p. 124005, 2017.

M. K. Fu, I. Arenas, S. Leonardi, and M. Hultmark, “Liquid-infused surfaces as a passive method of turbulent drag reduction,” J. Fluid Mech., vol. 824, pp. 688–700, 2017.

C. P. Byers, M. K. Fu, Y. F. Fan, K. A. Kokmanian, and M. Hultmark ``Advancements in measuring the wall-normal velocity fluctuations in a turbulent boundary layer'' in the International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP10, Chicago, IL), 2017, vol. 10.


B. J. Rosenberg, T. Van Buren, M. K. Fu, and A. J. Smits, “Turbulent drag reduction over air- and liquid- impregnated surfaces,” Phys. Fluids, vol. 28, no. 1, p. 015103, 2016.

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